
7 Other Ways your Completed Book Can Make you Money

Many people think that once they’ve written their book and it’s published, that’s it. BUT often this is just the beginning. It’s the same if someone manages to bag an AMAZING book deal, the work still goes on. You need to launch your book and many writers do readings and appear in media publications so that they can market their book. Often, your book has its biggest sales when it’s first launched, but great news… there are other ways to make money from your book.

1. Workshops based on your Book

You can host a book workshop online or face-to-face that focuses on a particular aspect or key topic/themes of your book. Just ensure you are targeting your ideal audience and you’ll be fine. You can charge people to attend the session, or you can run the session with a view to selling copies of your book before, during or after the session.

2. Create Resources based on your Book

If you create resources for your book, it can be studied. Even children’s books in primary schools are studied to a certain extent. When it comes to self-help books, you can create activity books, planners, and other resources or stationery, and with fiction, you can create study packs that appeal to your ideal client.

3. Write a Course based on your Book

Regardless of whether your book is fiction or non-fiction, a course can always be written based on this. In fact, it’s often possible to write more than one. When I was at University, I studied the likes of Dracula in much detail, in fact, most of Master’s Degree was based on this – because there are so many theories and concepts that can be applied to this single novel. A book certainly makes at least one course!

4. Become a Guest Speaker

When you write a book, you demonstrate your expertise in different areas. You could advertise yourself as a speaker in your expert area. You could even discuss being a writer, publishing your work, what inspired you, as well as the different topics covered in your book. The world is your oyster, so get out there and make yourself known!

5. Start a Book Club and/or Writing Group

If you start a writing group, you can begin to teach or coach others how to write and publish their own book too. If you create a large community, you could simply facilitate a session for an hour each week and ask attendees to pay between £2-5 per week (if you want to make it accessible for as many people as possible) in the beginning. For your book club, you could simply meet once per month and facilitate a session around a book (a different book each session). You could then use the opportunity as a networking session and everyone could introduce themselves and you could use your introductory time to market your book.

6. Create and sell merchandise

Another great way to earn money is by selling merchandise that details sayings or key messages from your publication. Think about all the Harry Potter merchandise that sells! You could have your own T-shirt with your favourite quote, and you could sell cups, pens, notebooks, and anything relevant to your topic or genre.

7. Start a Website

Once you’ve written a book, people or fans may want to look you up. It’s a great idea to have a website and you could have your store (for your merchandise and resources) and publications listed here. If you have time, you could have a blog and post news or updates on yourself as an author. You could even build excitement about the possibility of a sequel or new book.

These are just seven simple ideas, but there is so much more you can do to earn money, once your book is published. The more well-known you get, the more chance you have of a further book deal too, but publishing is just the beginning. Keep going, because the more money you make from one single product, the easier and simpler it becomes to make money. There’s no need to make things harder on yourself – exhaust ALL areas!

Much love,

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