
How to Design the Most Effective Lead Magnet for YOUR Business

If you’re working online, the chances are you’ve heard of a lead magnet. Even if you haven’t, you’ll have come across one before because so many businesses use these now. A lead magnet is a great way to get your potential ideal clients to start following your business, and the idea is that eventually, they’ll convert into paying clients. But how do you know which is the most effective lead magnet for your business?

What is a lead magnet?

Before we go on, it’s important to briefly cover what a lead magnet is. Basically, it does what it says in the title, it attracts your customer leads and draws them into your business. Some people call a lead magnet different names, like a freebie for instance. They do the same job – the lead magnet allows the person to download it or have access to it, if they provide their name or email address, which you then add to your mailing list (with their permission). It helps you create a list for sales purposes and you email your potential clients in the future, first to nurture them, and then slowly you sell to them.

Common lead magnets include documents such as guides, checklists, workbooks etc… and some people even create webinars or mini courses too. The lead magnet you create should link to your business. For instance, my business is writing, so I have two lead magnets: 7 Days to Creativity (workbook) and 11 Easy Steps to Kick-start your Creative Writing Business.

Why do we need a lead magnet?

As I mentioned in the earlier section, we use lead magnets to attract our ideal clients. This is generally called ‘audience building’ or ‘list building’. They start to follow us and notice us, and if we continue to nurture them and provide them with valuable information, it helps them decide if they want to do business with us in the future.

When should we create it?

You should create a lead magnet as soon as you want to start building your list. This should be in the early stages of your business as the more people who follow you and join your list, the more people you have to sell to.

How should I design my lead magnet?

  1. Consider your business and what ‘freebie’ you could create that would solve a problem for your ideal client. Remember it should be something that will ‘help’ your ideal client, and attract them to your business. Braindump all your ideas!
  2. If you’re not sure, think about what your business offers product or service wise, and think about what valuable information you could provide a client just before they buy from you. Write a list of all the things you know related to your business. If you sell something too similar, you don’t want to give too much away. There has to be value in what you’re offering, but there has to be even more value in the thing you sell.
  3. Think about how you get your clients. Do they come to you online, in person, through a website etc? Think about any limitations… for instance, if people aren’t tech-savvy and are just starting to use tech, you need to make things simple for them. Think about how you can make their life easier.
  4. Now, consider how you can give your information to your clients. Do you want to create something that they can download? Would you want to give them a video, or would you want to create a document? If so, what type of document? Make a list of possibilities. Course, webinar, video, checklist, workbook, ebook etc…
  5. As you know, I’m a writer, and writing is an excellent skill that you can utilise when you’re creating a lead magnet, because we can write and design it. You can use programmes such as Microsoft Publisher, and Canva is also great for creating lead magnets. One thing I would suggest is ensuring that if you use any templates or images etc… be mindful of copyright. Always check this out!

Designing a lead magnet is primarily down to you, as only you can make the decision of what type of lead magnet to create. Remember that it’s down to what your ideal client likes and wants, so lead magnets vary among businesses. Ensure you’re clear on who your ideal client is and what problem you’ll be solving for them in your business. Don’t be afraid to experiment! If you create one and it doesn’t perform well, create another and see if that works better. Sometimes, it takes some tweaking to find the perfect lead magnet, but don’t give up. Use your writing and attract those clients!

Much love,

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