
How to Start Cultivating Your Writer’s Mindset, Now!

Do you ever wonder why some writers seem to effortlessly produce engaging and inspiring content while others struggle to even start? If you’re struggling, you’re not alone. Feeling blocked from time to time is normal, otherwise, there’d be no such thing as writer’s block, right?

The biggest issue is that when we face blocks, it knocks our confidence. I know, I’ve been there (several times). But you have to remember that this isn’t always simply about talent or skill—it can be down to mindset.

Developing a positive mindset is the secret ingredient that can transform your writing journey from a daunting task into a fulfilling creative adventure. There are some really simple changes you can make to start cultivating your writer’s mindset, today.

It’s time to explore three simple steps to help cultivate a positive writing mindset and doing so, will help shape how you handle writer’s block in the future.

1. Embrace the Blank Page as a Canvas of Opportunity

Have you ever sat down to write, only to be paralyzed by the intimidating blank page staring back at you? I’m not going to lie, this was me. It made me feel unworthy of being a writer. The thing is, I was looking at the blank page with the wrong perspective – a blank page is actually an opportunity to make a fresh start. This is where a positive mindset begins—by viewing that empty canvas as a world of possibilities rather than an obstacle.

Think of it this way: Every word you write is a brushstroke on the canvas of your imagination. It’s a chance to create something unique, beautiful, and meaningful. Don’t fear the blank page; embrace it. Of course, you may need some prompts or some inspiration to get you started, but it’s important to recognize that your creativity knows no bounds, and every word you write is a step closer to your masterpiece.

I’ll be posting some writing prompts on Wednesday, in my Facebook Group: The Writer’s Circle for Entrepreneurs.

2. Banish Self-Doubt, Welcome Confidence

Self-doubt is a common enemy of writers, lurking in the shadows and whispering, “You’re not good enough,” or “No one will want to read this.” But here’s the truth: Every accomplished writer, from bestsellers to literary giants, has faced self-doubt.

I’ve got to be honest and tell you that, not everyone is going to like your writing but this is something you have to accept. I don’t like bananas, but plenty of people do. I like sprouts and know lots of people who don’t because we don’t always like the same things. Just like I don’t always like the things other people write or the opinions of others, this is a personal preference for all of us – we’re all different and we all like different things. So, don’t take it personally!

The key to conquering self-doubt is to replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you have a unique voice and valuable insights and expertise to share. Believe that your words can inspire, educate, or entertain others. Confidence in your abilities will infuse your writing with energy and authenticity. It also helps you develop your natural voice, tone, and style.

3. Celebrate Small Wins Along the Way (Your Own Wins, and the Wins of Others)

We seem to live in a culture where blowing your own trumpet is sometimes seen as a negative thing, but why is that? Writing, like any creative endeavor, is a journey of progress and growth. Yet, many writers overlook the importance of celebrating their achievements, no matter how modest they may seem. This is another thing I struggled with as being in the spotlight is something I didn’t enjoy – I was embarrassed to be praised (or even worse, humiliated).

When I was studying for my creative writing degree at University, my lecturer told me, ‘You have to have a thick skin if you want to be a writer.’ I felt like writing wouldn’t be for me, because I didn’t really have a thick skin, but altering my mindset and building my confidence in my own craft changed that. Probably the best piece of advice I received in fairness.

Whether you completed a challenging chapter, received positive feedback, or simply made time to write today, these are victories worth celebrating. Recognizing and acknowledging your accomplishments boosts your confidence and keeps you motivated for the long haul. It also builds that self-belief you need to feel to alter your mindset, so celebrate your wins, but be a cheerleader for others who win too, as this promotes a positive community.

We don’t do this enough, so making a conscious effort to do this helps to change the culture. Be the change-maker!

Your Writing Mindset Shapes Your Creative Path

In the world of writing, mindset matters just as much as skill. By adopting a positive mindset, you transform writing from a daunting task into a joyful and fulfilling adventure. Embrace the blank page as an opportunity, banish self-doubt with confidence, and celebrate every step of your journey.

Remember, your writing journey is uniquely yours. It’s a path filled with ups, downs, and infinite possibilities. Cultivating a positive mindset ensures that you stay on course, overcome challenges, and continue to grow as a writer.

So, the next time you face that blank page, don’t see it as an obstacle—see it as your canvas, waiting for you to create something extraordinary. With a positive mindset, your words can inspire, captivate, and change lives.

Happy writing!



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