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Why 2021 is the PERFECT Time to Write YOUR Book!

Many people dream of writing a book but they don’t have the skills, the mindset or the confidence to get started. Some people want to write non-fiction based on something they know, their profession or experience, or a self-help book to share their advice and experiences. Maybe it’s always been something you want to do personally, and you want to deep-dive into your imagination and create fiction or write a biography or autobiography based on your life or the life of someone you know or admire. That’s great! It’s always good to get these things down on paper and I’m going to tell you why 2021 is the PERFECT time to write YOUR book!

When we talk of 2020, what do you think of? For me, it’s one BIG FAT word – COVID 19! Well, when I think of COVID, I try not to think of all the negative connotations it brings, I try to think of the positive connotations too.

For example, we’ve blown-up the World-Wide-Web – more people are using it than ever before.

We’ve changed and adapted, and rose to every occasion (and so have the younger generations).

We’ve pushed science… I mean to have a vaccination in less than a year is an AMAZING scientific breakthrough.

We’ve brought communities together. We’ve helped those in need, we’ve came together to ensure nobody goes hungry, is lonely, or goes without essentials.

We’ve developed new thinking patterns and habits – I mean this Christmas, I bought hand gel and masks as stocking fillers for my children. I’d have never in a million years believed this, if you’d told me a year ago.

We do these things because we’re amazing! We overcome. We problem-solve. We change and adapt EVERY DAY.

And if you’ve managed those things, you can certainly write a book. After everything, 2021 is the year to make your voice heard. COVID isn’t going anywhere fast, but you’re resilient, you can learn new things, you can change your habits and think patterns, and you CAN do this!

2021 is the perfect time to write a book because people are reading more… We’re staying in more, and the world is craving for the next irresistible read. From self-help books, books that help to improve or help our mental and physical help, educate us, or provide us with gripping entertainment or escapism – people WANT more books right now. Especially if you have something fresh, new, and relevant!

You see, anyone can write a book, but everyone’s journey to writing it is different. To write a book, we need a personal road map, and you just have to figure out the route that works best for you.

Whatever is standing in your way, there’s an answer:

  1. If you think you don’t have the skills (writing, editing, publishing, creativity), you can learn them.
  2. If you don’t have the motivation, find someone to hold you accountable.
  3. If you don’t have the confidence or the right mindset, we can work together to build that.
  4. If you think you don’t have the time, schedule the time into your daily schedule. Even if you have to get up a little earlier or sleep a little later, it’ll be worth it.
  5. If you’re worried people won’t like your writing, DON’T! Write for yourself, not for others, and accept that not everyone will like your writing (surely, you don’t like every single book you read).

Stop making excuses and start writing your book today. I know you have something to say, because we all do. If it’s your life-long dream, you need to action. Your book isn’t going to write itself!

Much love

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