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It’s Time to Overcome YOUR Writing Barriers

I remember when I first overcome my own writing barriers. It just a few years ago, and at the time, I was already a published writer at the time. The truth is, I still had demons and even though I was published and had been blogging for a few years already, I still didn’t feel I was worthy of the title ‘writer’. It was only when I worked on building my confidence as a writer and develop what I like to call a ‘Writer’s Mindset’, that I was able to move forwards with my writing.

Sometimes, we don’t even realise what barriers we face, but I do have some good news… You can overcome your writing barriers just like I did.

Writing is a great way to earn passive income, and once you’ve written a book or blog, you can produce further products or even repurpose the content. For example, you can create a workbook to accompany your book if it’s a self-help book, you can turn your book into blog posts, or your blog posts into a book. You can even repurpose your content and produce a course, live videos, or a speech/presentation so you can become a guest speaker.

Once you can write, the world is truly your oyster, and there’s no reason why you can’t identify and overcome the barriers that are preventing you from writing. It’s a learned skill and although it does require an element of creativity, you can certainly learn to tap into that.

With that in mind, I’ve got some questions to ask you:

  1. Are you sick of your own excuses when it comes to writing?
  2. Do you wish you could just get your book written but every time you try, it’s a non-starter?
  3. When you finally sit down to write your content or blog posts, it feels unexciting or stale?
  4. Maybe you feel like you haven’t got anything valid to say, or your creativity is non-existent?

If any of the statements above sound like you, my Writer’s Intensive training is perfect for you, in fact, it’s a MUST!

I designed this 4-hour interactive and intensive workshop to help you:

  • Get you out of your creative rut
  • Create your successful writer’s mindset
  • Find the power in your own voice
  • Stay motivated and develop your writing confidence
  • Consider your options – the different ways to make money writing

The great news is that this session is running next week on Zoom, and there are still spaces available.

Wednesday 6th January 2021, 10am-2pm    

I’m determined to help as many people as possible overcome the barriers that are preventing them from writing, so I’ve reduced the price of this MINDBLOWING event.

I realise that COVID 19 has affected so many people financially, and money is a barrier for so many people right now. That’s why I’m offering this AMAZING workshop for just £19. This is a time-sensitive offer, and will never be offered at this price again.

I’ve said this before, but 2021 is the PERFECT time to start writing regardless of how you choose to publish your piece (book, content, blogs). It’s PERFECT, even if you’re simply writing for leisure because I’m offering this at such a low-cost.

Together, we can identify and overcome those writing barriers at Writer’s Intensive workshop, so if your serious about writing in 2021 and want to kickstart your writing, click here to find out more about this AMAZING, low-cost workshop, that will change the way you think about your writing.

We’d love for you to join us!

Much love,

PS. If you think £19 is too low for this AMAZING 4-hour intensive and interactive workshop and can afford a little extra, please feel free to make a donation to my chosen charity, Hartlepool Carers, in my name. They are a small, local, charity, and can accept cheques or postal orders. If you want to contact me directly, I’d be happy to accept the donation myself and pass this on. Of course, I’d get them to contact you and acknowledge receipt. Just email me for details:

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