
Writing is a Skill for Life… So, Use it!

There are so many uses for writing and it sometimes frustrates me when people don’t utilise this skill. You see, writing is something we can all do and something we can get better at, yet we don’t always believe that and we don’t often believe in our own writing abilities.

When I first started out, I had no idea what opportunities writing would bring. Writing sells, it educates, it informs, it entertains and it allows us to communicate with others too. If you can write, it’s a creative outlet and writing in the form of journalling is known to be positive when it comes to your mental health. Not only that, it can persuade others and it gives you an opportunity to voice your opinion. For me, writing entertains or educates others because my books and blog posts entertain, inform, or educate others. When it comes to business, writing is YOUR key to selling!!!

Writing is ultimately expressive. It’s our way of sharing the things we know or think.

Just imagine for a second, a world without writing…

We would have little music or poetry – only that of memory. It would be difficult record data and history, recipes, etc…

Sounds like HELL to me!

What most people don’t understand about writing is that you’re doing it already. Your internal monologue that processes your thoughts is ultimately your writing. Whenever you have an idea, or an opinion, it’s written – you just have to put onto paper in a clever way, so you can share it with the world.

You see, you’re doing it already…

You are already writing because writing is a life skill that most of us have already, we just need to refine it.

Like any learned behaviour, like learning to walk or speak, writing is something we refine over time. The problem is, by the time we reach the age we choose to leave education, we feel we take writing for granted and believe refined it to the best we can. We let it take a backseat and forget about it, but writing is something we can consistently refine with practice. You didn’t learn to walk or speak without practice, but the art of writing is much broader so it’s a longer process. Consider speaking – we learn to speak in our mother-tongue, then many people choose to learn other languages too. If we can learn to speak in another language, we can learn to write in a more refined way in our own language. If we want it!

Of course, writing doesn’t necessarily provide you with an imagination or ideas as such, so if you wanted to write fiction then you’d have to have an imagination and original ideas, as well as knowledge of your genre. BUT it does open doors…

We all have an expert area. Something we know. Memories or experiences that we want to share with others. Stories to tell. Products or services to tell. IF you have any of those things, then you have SOMETHING to write about.

Don’t kid yourself… Writing is a life skill, so either refine your skills, so why not use it! If not, hire someone to do it for you, especially if you’re in business.

Much love,

Janet X

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