Confidence,  Mindset,  Writing,  Writing Advice and Guidance

How to Conquer Your Fear of Successful Writing

Success is something that many people enjoy, but for others, it’s a frightening thought. Not everyone wants to be successful. If you are successful and have always been, this can be a difficult notion for you to understand. So let’s explain this notion in a little more detail…

Successful writers often find they have fame, but not all writers want this. Of course, it doesn’t mean they are recognized in the street as much as a celebrity, but it does mean they have a name. A name that can be recognized and criticized, because writing a publishable piece and putting your name out there is exposing yourself – you’re vulnerable and leaving yourself open.

People who fear success, often fear what that brings… Life will certainly never be the same again.

That’s because writing brings CHANGE!

How do you feel about change?

One fear of writing success isn’t just becoming well-known, it’s also the money that goes with it. While many people want to have plenty of money, others fear the responsibility. They also fear that money would change them!

So, what can we do if we fear success as a writer?

You see, if you fear success, it’s because of your beliefs. If you follow the steps below, you can work to grow and develop those things.

  1. Work to improve your mindset and self-worth
  2. Be kind and take care of yourself – this includes both your body and mind
  3. Change your thinking patterns. Consider your best and worsed-case scenarios, and challenge your negative thoughts. Ask yourself why you think this way? Is this a justified judgement or unfounded thought? How can you overcome this issue?
  4. Use a pen-name to gain some feedback on your writing first, and then work to take ownership of this in the future.
  5. Make plans and set goals – plan for your success and if you’re concerned about fame or money, consider what you can do to remedy this. For example, you could plan to save or invest your money.

If you fear success, taking the steps above is the beginning to conquering those. Your fears of success are your own – they belong to nobody else but you and only you can overcome those, Take ownership of your fears and work on your mind – what really bothers you about success?

You’re probably wondering why you need to overcome your fear of success, and that’s simple. As with all fears, your fear is holding you back because they have a negative impact on your life. People who fear success often have low self-esteem, find pursuing goals difficult, have low satisfaction in their life, and has low expectations in general.

…But you have the power to change that!

Much love,

Janet XOXO

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