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7 Easy Copywriting Strategies to Help Build Trust and Authenticity

Let’s dive straight into the world of copywriting—a craft that can either be the key to unlocking doors or the unintentional saboteur of your goals. For me, authenticity is not just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of impactful communication. And yes, I’ve worked as a copywriter for a few different companies, in fact, I was the team manager.

Why Does Authenticity Matter in Copywriting?

Authenticity isn’t just a trendy notion—it’s the bedrock of meaningful connections. Although creativity isn’t necessarily a skill that was previously required of a copywriter, creativity is a great skill to have. Especially when crafting a sincere, relatable story. When your copy lacks sincerity, it’s like handing your audience a beautifully wrapped box with nothing inside. That would be disappointing, right? Your audience can sense the void. Trust me, it doesn’t go unnoticed.

The Pitfalls of Inauthentic Copywriting

I used to hate sales, but it’s something I’m used to now. That’s because I used to work in a bank and they used to force me to sell, but now, I sell on my terms and I sell things I’m comfortable selling because I know they’ll work. My products and services do what they claim to do – they’re honest and authentic, and I believe in them. Imagine reading content that feels like a sales pitch on repeat. It’s not just annoying; it’s a one-way ticket to losing credibility. Inauthenticity breeds skepticism, and in a world saturated with information, it’s trust that sets you apart.

I always buy from people, companies, and brands that I trust. How about you?

7 Easy Copywriting Strategies to Help Build Trust and Authenticity

  1. Speak in Your Voice: Embrace your unique tone. Your audience isn’t interested in a robotic rendition; they want to hear from a human.
  2. Address Concerns Head-On: Don’t shy away from potential objections. Instead, address them honestly. It shows that you understand your audience’s perspective.
  3. Share Real Stories: Narratives are powerful tools. Share genuine stories that resonate with your audience’s experiences.
  4. Admit Mistakes Gracefully: Nobody’s perfect. If you make a misstep, admit it openly. Authenticity isn’t about perfection; it’s about transparency.
  5. Value Over Hype: Shift the focus from bombastic claims to the actual value you provide. Authenticity shines through when your promises are backed by substance.
  6. Showcase Your Process: Pull back the curtain and let your audience see how the magic happens. Transparency builds trust.
  7. Encourage Open Dialogue: Foster a two-way conversation. Invite feedback, questions, and discussions. Your audience will appreciate being heard.

Let’s Connect Authentically!

Copywriting is a dance—a positive exchange between you and your audience. These honest strategies are the steps that can turn your dance into a captivating performance. Remember, authenticity isn’t just a strategy; it’s a commitment to building lasting connections.

If you’re hungry for more insights and a community of like-minded writers and entrepreneurs, join my Facebook Group, The Writer’s Circle for Entrepreneurs.’ Let’s continue this journey together!

You should also follow my TikTok account as on Thursday, I’ll be posting a ‘write with me’ video focusing on copywriting skills.

You should also definitely sign up for my weekly newsletter, released every Saturday!

Much love,

Janet XOXO

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